DIY Disney Autograph Banner

When the big planning for our trip to Walt Disney World was finally finished with hotel, airfare, dining, park plans and FastPass reservations secured, I could finally focus on the fun stuff. I couldn’t wait for Miss O to meet some of her favorite Disney characters before the magic of princesses and pirates faded for her. I wasn’t sure exactly how character interactions worked these days, but I knew those lines were no joke.

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Baby's first checklist!

DIY/Printable Preschool Interactive To Do Chart with bonus Weather and Emotions Magnets

I have yet to meet the parent of a toddler or preschooler that can tell me they took less than 20 minutes getting their offspring out the door even close to what “on time” might look like. Miss O is no different than her peers in this regard, especially when there is a choice between Legos and brushing her teeth, but we may have finally found a chink in her tiny armor and it looks like this:

Baby's first checklist!

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New Office Reveal 1

My Blue Heaven – aka My Office Makeover Reveal

Do you ever have that moment when you finally do something you’ve been meaning to do for a long time, then wonder what in the heck took you so long to get around to doing it?  Why did I wait so long to redo my office?!? It’s been almost two weeks and I have nothing but love for my new office space. My whole attitude toward being in this space has changed since the redo, as evidenced by the fact that I am actually writing in it rather than lugging my laptop upstairs so I can avoid it. Continue reading

Office Paint Prep

Death to the Peachy-Brown Wall!

I finally got the chance to paint a wall and I am so excited I can’t stand it! The holidays afforded me not only the funds to redo my office/craft room, but also the time to actually do it. I honestly don’t know which is more valuable or rare. As I’ve mentioned before, I love a good project and right now this is the mother of all projects. I descended on the paint department in Lowes like a hawk at a prairie dog convention.

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New Year, new…office?!

There are few things I love more than a good project and I actually go through withdrawal if I don’t have something to adjust or redo at least every six months. Aside from moving into our house last year and getting our landscaping shaped up, we haven’t really done anything to the inside of our house. The basement room we use as our shared office and my craft room is the most unwelcoming shade of peachy-brown I have ever seen.  It’s like stepping into James’ giant peach and seeing that as we all aged, so did the peach.  It’s pit becoming a random catch all with no form or function.  In short, it’s become our junk room.

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Stroller Costume

DIY Apple Picking Stroller Halloween Costume

A week or so ago, I mentioned my entrée into stroller decorating for our neighborhood block party. Most of the folks who saw the photo instantly asked if this was to be Miss O’s Halloween costume. Life is never that easy or that simple is it? The short answer is no, but more on that in another post. For now, I’ll just say that the apple picking bag costume is a completely viable option and pretty simple to do. If you find yourself inspired to turn your tot’s ride into a half-bushel of apples for Halloween, I’m happy to share how I did mine.

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suitcase packing shoe bag carry on

Vacation Packing

As I mentioned in my previous post, our annual forced vacation is upon us and that means packing. Lots of packing. Fortunately, my years of traveling for work have honed my packing process into a finely tuned machine. It’s nothing complicated, really. It’s just a grid separated by day, but without it, I’d be hopelessly lost and it’s my first Quick Tip.

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